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Kristin OReilly

Franklin, TN


Photo: Kelly Miller Photography


I wasn’t always the “crazy oil lady”— as my kids affectionately call me. I was just your average newlywed trying to get by and start a family. While I had always been “healthy” by societal standards, reoccurring minor health issues covered up by quick-fix prescriptions over the years eventually lead to bigger problems in adulthood. It was a hypothyroid diagnosis with a lifetime prescription that lead me to reevaluate my life choices and seek a more natural approach to health.

After a complete diet overhaul, my husband and I set out to clean up other areas of our life. Amidst the chaos of a growing family, we started switching out conventional household and personal care items for homemade, natural alternatives. I was making a homemade toothpaste for my toddlers when I realized the label on the spearmint essential oil bottle said “Not for Ingestion.” That sent me on a quest to find a truly pure essential oil that I felt comfortable using on my family. I’ve been using Young Living Essential Oils ever since. I had no idea that oils could do more than just make my homemade products smell nice, but have learned to use them to support everything from our health to emotions. I love sharing how these products and this community have changed our family's life.


Favorite Products

 Kristin OReilly

Thieves Household Cleaner

 Kristin OReilly

Super B

Super B

 Kristin OReilly

Progessence Plus

 Kristin OReilly

Peace & Calming Essential Oil Blend

© Kristin O'Reilly 2019

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