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Christopher OReilly

Franklin, TN


Photo: Kelly Miller Photography


I’m the husband to an oily wife and three beautiful children. I have pretty much dedicated all of my time to creating and living a life that supports health, happiness, and less craziness… I did mention we have three kids, right?

My health journey really started two decades ago when I started meditating. The start of my practice was truly divine intervention. Practicing meditation helped me start to pay attention to the things I was thinking, doing, and believed. Over time, I really started to notice just how unhealthy I was and started eating better, exercising, and developing a spiritually connected life. Slowly and surely, I became healthier and started to understand what really matters in life. Shortly after meeting my wife I knew she was the one for me. We were married two years after we met and it was not long after that we decided to start our family. Having kids really strengthened my desire to create a life of health, it was no longer just about me; health wasn't just diet and exercise anymore. My wife started paying attention to the products we cleaned the house with and the personal care products we put on our bodies. I started learning a great deal about how stress can weaken the physical body and effect our emotional and psychological health. One step at a time, the life we have been creating for our family has become better.

When essential oils came into the picture, I was skeptical. For a short time, I nicknamed my wife the “Voodoo Oil Lady,” but I quickly came to experience the life-changing impact these high-quality oils had on every aspect of my life. Using essential oils for daily living has been fantastic for our entire family. The kids love them, too! As I experimented more with the various oils my wife would suggest, I started to realize what a game changer they were for our emotional health, too. They have had a massive impact on the way we live our lives and have become an integral part of mindful living for us. I can’t imagine my life without them.


Favorite Products

Shutran Essential Oil Blend

Christopher OReilly

Valor Essential Oil Blend

Christopher OReilly

Lavender Essential Oil

Christopher OReilly

Genesis Hand & Body Lotion

Christopher OReilly


© Kristin O'Reilly 2019

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