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Megan Dunn

Coatesville, PA



I am a wife and a mother of two boys. When my children were born everything else came after them. As a working mom, I felt guilty for not being there to raise them, I felt jealous for having other women teach them ... I lost myself. I was mom, wife, and then me.

I had used essential oils when I was in my 20s. Lavender and Frankincense, I carried them everywhere! As time and life went on, I forgot about them.

As my children grew and I started to have more free time again, I wanted to go back to something I enjoyed as a single person. I was looking for the essential oil company I had used in the past and could not find it. At the same time my friend, Stephanie, invited me to her house to learn about Young Living. I started to research other companies and decided that I liked what Young Living had to offer and the community they have to help others learn. I wanted to learn more so I went to her class and bought my Premium Starter Kit shortly after as my birthday present!

I knew how to use essential oils topically, but now I had a diffuser, too! I became a part of this community and learned more about essential oils, other ways to use them, and where to find more information for my specific needs.

The results have been amazing! Not only do I have a part of myself back, but I am also helping my family live above the wellness line. I have learned what oils my children like, what oils my husband likes, what oils help us relax. I have learned about supporting my health and wellness with other Young Living products. I have become friends with people in Young Living. I am learning so much about the company, the products and the community. I have discovered myself again and for that I am a better mom and wife.


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Megan Dunn

Megan Dunn

Megan Dunn

Megan Dunn

© Kristin O'Reilly 2019

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