Pure, natural, plant-based … have you heard the buzz? When we see labels on products claiming to be “pure” or natural, we say prove it! Don’t be fooled by savvy marketing terms — these buzz words are not regulated so manufacturers can slap those words on their packaging and fool you with their “green” labeling. Know your ingredients, know your company … and do-it-yourself!
DIY fabric and room freshener spray is so easy to make, and you won’t have to worry about toxic chemical residues on your furniture, clothing, or pet’s toys. We use baking soda and vodka to naturally neutralize odors and add pure essential oils for a fresh, customized scent.
DIY Fabric and Room Freshener
16 ounce glass spray bottle (we recommend this one)
Label (in our shop)
1 teaspoon baking soda
25-50 drops essential oils of choice
3/4 cup vodka
Top with distilled water
We love Young Living’s Purification essential oil blend for serious odor fighting, Citrus Fresh or Orange for a bright, cheery scent, or Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint for a neutral, fresh scent.
Tell us your favorite combo.